Both Sides Watch Broadcast

While Democrats and Republicans’ media habits do diverge, there are also some key similarities between both sides. (Morning Consult)

Chart: Morning Consult

The similarities: Nearly 3 in 5 Democrats and Republicans watch the Big Three broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC), according to a new Morning Consult poll.

  • Around half of both Democrats (51%) and Republicans (52%) turn to social media for news at least once a day, more than any other source.

The differences: 63% of Democrats have confidence in the news media, compared to only 38% of Republicans.

  • Democrats are 23% more likely to watch CNN, while Republicans are 23% more likely to watch Fox News.

Related: An NBC News poll from April found Trump supporters were more likely to get their news from alternative platforms like YouTube and social media, while Biden supporters were more likely to consume traditional media, such as newspapers and network news.

A 2023 Gallup poll found a widening partisan gap when it comes to who trusts the mainstream media.

Bubba’s Two Cents

One thing to zoom in on here is broadcast news, which has obviously been in steady decline as news consumers increasingly turn to newer channels, like social media and streaming. I think broadcast news is a decent proxy for mainstream media, which has also been steadily declining, at least in terms of credibility.

There’s a lot of (understandable) hype around the rise of alternative media, and there’s no denying the mainstream has lost reach and influence. But I think we should be careful not to underestimate how much of that influence still remains. Case in point: Even a majority of Republicans still regularly tune into broadcast networks.

The giant might be dying, but he’s not dead, yet.