3 Charts Sum Up How Milei is Doing in Argentina

Argentine President Javier Milei stepped into office facing the monumental challenge of rescuing the country’s economy from collapse and taming sky-high inflation. For now, the public appears optimistic about their president’s “shock therapy” strategy of deregulation and drastic cuts to government spending. (Gallup)

Chart: Gallup
The vibes: 41% of Argentines say their economy is improving, up from 25% in 2023, according to new Gallup data.
53% believe their standard of living is improving, the first time since 2015 a majority of Argentines have expressed the sentiment.
Confidence in the national government rose from 24% in 2023 to 43% in 2024.
Milei's approval rating is 48%, up from 18% over his predecessor, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, in 2023.

Chart: Americas Quarterly
The hard data: Monthly inflation peaked at 25% in December 2023, when Milei took office, but dropped to 3.9% by August 2024.
After Milei did away with rent control in Buenos Aires, Argentina’s capital, the inflation-adjusted price of rental properties have dropped 40%, The Wall Street Journal reported in September.
Challenges remain: 35% of Argentines say they struggle to afford food, and 69% believe it's a bad time to find a job, according to Gallup.
Annual inflation remains over 200%, the highest globally.