New Data Sums Up Why Americans Are Worried About K-12 Education

There’s more bad news for the U.S. educational system amid big debates about American public schools. (Chalkbeat)
The numbers: U.S. fourth graders' math scores dropped 18 points on the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study assessment from 2019 to 2023, among the steepest declines worldwide.
U.S. fourth-grade science scores are now below their 1995 levels.
Among the bottom 10% of U.S. students, fourth-grade math scores fell by 37 points and science scores dropped 22 points.
Context: The pandemic has intensified concerns about public education, spotlighting soaring expenses, stagnating test scores, chronic absenteeism, controversial classroom lessons and COVID-era learning loss.
The trends: In recent years, public school enrollment has declined while the growth of alternatives, like homeschooling and private schools, has surged.
The vibes: Americans’ confidence in public schools has been falling for decades.